Ongoing personal analysis

In this section I shall be expressing my personal thoughts about the formal elements in photography, major historical periods/movements/practitioners:

Daguerreotype - My view on this inventive creation is simple: The fact that one is only able to produce a single UNIQUE image by using this process is quite something. This makes a daguerreotype image EXTREMELY RARE. Yes of course it might be a downside because one is unable to replicate an image, but it is what it is. I love the detail that a daguerreotype photograph can produce. It almost seems like a painting to me and that is incredible. I have nothing but positives for this type of photography.

- Calotype - Another important process in its time. The opposition and competition with the Daguerreotype (which eventually overtook it). For me the Calotype is less of a favorite, however due to the fact that it can be replicated multiple times (using negatives) this can come in handy (in today's day and age) if anyone would need to distribute an image to several friends/colleagues for instance. 

- Colour - What have I learned about colour ? Well, as a photographer it is one of the most vital pieces of information I can have stored in my brain. Now, after gaining the knowledge, I think about just how many different shades and tones of colour I can use for photo-shoots in order to create certain moods or a certain atmosphere. The possibilities are endless and now I and I cannot wait to begin experimenting with colour (different backdrops for studio or actual paint on someone's body).

- Light -One of the most important things for photography. Of course it all depends on what you want to achieve.  I personally have a sort of obsession with silhouettes and shadows and in fact did a small project for an assignment last year. The different usage of light, both in the studio as well as in helped me create some very cool effects. Light is my friend.

- Texture - I once did a project about textures and materials. In fact it was last year at Mcast for my first year in photography. I focused on finding out about the many different types of textures that exist. I also went around the streets of sliema, looking at the floor sometimes and also at playgrounds for interesting subjects (of textured value to photograph).
I like textures and I sometimes cannot resist to touch ones which really do stand out. I think photographing textures using a macro lens is perfect too.

- Positive and Negative Space - Since I added two of my own images for the posts, I think its safe to say that I had experimented with positive and negative space without even knowing I was doing so. Well now that I am aware of it, I will definitely try to make use of "Space" on the whole.

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